UserLocations table provides a place to define general location information and assign default EPM process codes.
Field | Type | Notes |
UserLoc_ID |
int |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
UserLocationCode |
varchar(50) |
Arbitrary location code referenced as part of user sign on. Enter a valid location code. (is it really arbitrary?) |
UserLocationName |
varchar(80) |
Name of user location. |
GroupCode |
varchar(50) |
Multiple user locations can be grouped together to minimize maintenance. This provides an informational cross reference. See theFO_UserLoc_Groups table. (is this a pipe delimited set of location codes?) |
DeviceLocationCodes |
varchar(255) |
Device locations associated with this user location. Informational. (is this a pipe delimited set of codes? what kind of codes? |
Add1 |
varchar(50) |
First address line. Informational |
Add2 |
varchar(50) |
Second address line. Informational |
City |
varchar(50) |
City. Informational |
St |
varchar(50) |
State. Informational |
ZipCode |
varchar(50) |
Zip code. Informational |
Tel |
varchar(50) |
Phone number. Informational |
Fax |
varchar(50) |
Fax number. Informational |
ContactName |
varchar(50) |
Contact name. Informational |
Manager |
varchar(50) |
Manager. Informational |
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date record was created. Informational |
EditDate |
datetime |
Date record was edited. Informational |
UserName |
varchar(50) |
User who created the record. Informational |
DefPerfLab |
varchar(50) |
Default performing lab for this user location. Enter a valid performing lab code. Impacts Auto Receipt process. Displays as Def Receipt Perf.Lab on FAST header. If calculated performing lab equals Def Receipt Perf.Lab, then order is eligible for auto receipt. (is Def Receipt Perf.Lab the correct was to represent that field or label or whatever it is? |
CallResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM CALL records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
StatResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM STAT records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
CriticalResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Critical records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
SignificantResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Significant Findings records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
PatientResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Patient records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
OrderResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Order records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
SpecimenResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Specimen records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
DefaultResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM records created in FASTthat are not otherwise defined. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
ReportResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Report records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
ClientRequestResolutionCode |
int |
Default value for EPM Client Request records created in FAST. Enter a valid code which comes from EPM definitions, RRE_ExceptionResolutionGroupCode_Definition. |
CollectionHUBCodes |
varchar(MAX) |
Valid Collection HUB codess (this data type implies the expectation of a very large string, of collection hub codes. Is it a pipe-delimited list? where is the maintenance table for collection hub codes?, is that the FO_Hub_Definition table?) |
DefaultWorkFlowMethod |
varchar(50) |
Default Workflow for users logged into this user location. Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: PATIENT SPECIMEN INDUSTRIAL If field is null, or blank, the default is PATIENT. FO_UserLocations definition is referenced if the user-level definition is NULL. |
LabCode |
varchar(50) |
Default lab code associated with this user location. Enter a valid lab code from FO_LabInfo.LabCode values. |
WarnCollectDateOlderDays |
int |
Represents the number of days past which a warning message that collection date is X days in the past will be displayed. Enter an integer for the number of days. |